Sunday, January 27, 2008


I was a little bored and lonely so Amanda brought me to see The Mist with her classmates from MDIS. I don't usually comment very badly on movies, if you've known me long enough. Okay, the idea was pretty good, still it sucked. The first monster that appeared rather disappointed me, not because of its concept. Was the graphics instead. I'm not sure how many people noticed it but the tentacles(sorry for the spoiler) were the worst drawn special effects I've witnessed this decade. Probably one of those "book-is-better-than-the-film" times. Didn't read the book, though. Maybe two outta 5 stars, tops. Credits to that tiny pinch of suspense.

After which we left her 3 friends at Cineleisure and waited fer a bus down to Marina Square. Has anyone heard of Spaggedies at Millenia Walk? We either couldn't find it or it's no longer there. Plan B was to head to Kyo-Nichi. Char Siew Ramen. The soup was awesome, the shishamo and octopus balls weren't really that great though... Enough of observing passers-by on the ground floor, we velcroed our asses off the comfy seats to do some aimless window shopping. Voodoo dolls and gothic lolita outfits, I suppose anyone looking from outside the picture would find it very misleading in ways even my slightly perverted mind cannot conjure. =P

OKAY. Pre-Plan A was to head to the street opposing The Concourse, some bar-like restaurant with unplugged performances, opened by Erdiana's uncle but I forgot its name. Oops. Bah, all the same, I roughly remember the location. Since we didn't have dinner there, we headed up the lift of Pan-Pacific Hotel(was it?) to get a good look. Stupid CitiBank blocking the view. Later on, we strolled down the "river" side past Esplanade to see if we can grab a drink. In vain, we advanced to the Merlion. Now, can someone tell me what kind of water does the Merlion squirt out? Because there was at least a 2 hour therapy of wetness while enjoying the view of Shenton Way , in addition to the newborn Singapore Flyer(now with decorative lighting!).

Following that was the accidental visit to Lau Pa Sat as I take the blame fer being disorientated. Mutton satay and a load of iced desserts. Heehee. Departed the area after a coupla personality quizzes from Amanda and a coupla very loud grandfather clock gongs. Felt kinda awkward with the gawking construction workers. They obviously weren't looking at ME, of course. "Lost" again. Ended up near Chinatown. FYI, this was all on foot. Thankfully, we recognized some of the buildings and sniffed our way back to the "river"(again). Boat Quay(where I bumped into former Alpha armskoteman, Don) was closer this time, comparing to our start off point and we took an NR7 home to Simei. As usual, it was nearing 5 and there was that sweet smell that always freaks me out, backed with sound effects from toads that sound like Harley Davidsons.

NEXTDAYNEXTDAYNEXTDAY. Actually got up in time(or so) to ensue the shopping plan at Bugis. Weather was hot and dry, plus there were students asking fer donations all around EastPoint, so sitting at Long John's to cool off and wait fer Miss Stockings seemed like a good idea. =P Was early enough so we dropped by MINT, one of the two known toy museums in the country. 4 full floors with displays of varying genres above the cosy café.

Down to our true intention. Finally, we're at Bugis Village. Search fer eye-catching merchandise was in vain. Not to ferget sweaty. Why is it always so crowded there? Met Alyssa and EngChye at the lobby of TopOne KTV, then headed fer some duck rice down the road. Apparently, the couple of the year have been doing their shopping too, only difference is they actually bought something. I now feel the emergency!

Not much towards the end of the night. My energy bursts are normally solar-charged. Just a game of SF3 in the arcades, where we saw some cosplayers. Amy tagged, not fer long but nonetheless... Hope you're doing better. There was some hot fudge at Mac's before 27 Dresses, which was quite refreshing. Chick flicks are awesome when you're sick of monsters.

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