Tuesday, March 4, 2008

how it's hangin'

The second last lesson fer the Japanese Basic Course has ended. Not really looking forward fer this term to end, not that I'm gonna miss most of the peeps from the class or what but more on the fact that I've yet to master my hiragana! Let alone my katakana! Homework helped a little. I guess I'll pick one of these days to read the character charts out loud. I'm starting to speak like Ryuusuke from Beck, the anime/manga. I'm so gonna lag behind if they discard the use of romaji in the intermediate level.

So I failed XML. Again. Gotta sign up fer a re-unit by the end of this week and push my ass up fer a pass by mid-year. Fuckin' troublesome shit module. -_-"

Nothing much in the social life. Reviewing movies and promenading hand in hand to the corners of our flowery yet concrete island with the kanojo(wow, I can say that now), the weekly manga/webcomic reads, downloading loads of music(oops, let that one slip), etc. I now have 30 albums and counting in my D Drive, waiting to be uploaded into my iTunes library and then into my iPod. However, after accumulating such an absurdly large amount of songs, I look at the folder and turn slothful. Here's a professor in Procrastination 101. =)

Other than that, I'm currently recuperating from the loss of my wallet, obviously among bigger things. Sigh~ Gonna get another ATM card from the bank by this Friday to make things more convenient. Maybe this is a chance to get an original LV. Birthday's exactly 7 days from now, don't feel it coming though. 2008 sometimes feels like such an impassive leap year...

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