Monday, March 17, 2008

stoopid buth

Just like the song goes, Sunday morning, rain was falling but we laid around in bed till I could no longer stand my unbrushed teeth. Had a sudden yearning fer Tori Q and the nearest branch was at Tampines Mall and there we were, arriving by train. I'd wish fer sunshine everyday but I'd like to do without the humidity, it gets more untolerable by the second outdoors. Tori Q had always been a takeaway meal fer me but it's recently that I start utilizing the tables they set up behind their stall. Second half of lunch involved SweetTalk. And do I dare admit that I was wrong to declare that drinking pearl tea without pearls was not strange at all when it was downright nothing lesser than strange. And I'm also damn certain that a lot of you will keep reading the previous sentence fer yer slow brain to digest.

A slow walk back to Simei where I dropped LoveBolster Version 1.6 back at her door. I'm so gonna get into shit fer typing that out but I couldn't resist(still laughing). At least I can save a little piece of my ass by explaining that the 'version' is just a random number. ;P

Dinner was at The Cathay PictureHouse as it was Aunt Irene's birthday. We all arrived a bit early so I loitered along the floors of the building to explore the shops. Metallurgy. 2 designs of ear jewellery that I want to get. Now I just need to come back another day fer purchase so it won't seem that I'm doing it on impulse.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a cake but the restaurant was nice enough to serve a cheesecake on the house. Just another rich family dinner with questions shooting at my brother about the military as I sit quietly next to him playing Bomberman Land Touch and answer unanswerable enquiries.

First dish, pumpkin pie(asian style). Dessert, tangyuan. My mouth was too fast fer the camera so it's a pity you won't be able to feast yer eyes on the rest of the courses.

Eugene, get well soon. Not the idiot, Boon. I'm talking about my cousin this time.

Today wasn't much of an adventure. Rose from bed at noon, big surprise. It was getting kinda late so had to switch card reapplication plans with the new house plans. Chilled with the mother at the new and empty apartment and met up with a contractor and technician(two different people). After that, we headed down to the management office to get some decals fer the car. Bumped into our real estate agent by the pool. I don't really remember her name since I wasn't exactly involved in the buying of our new place but is it wrong to notice that she looks presentably yummy. Okay. Stray thought. Sorry babe but this IS a blog. Hahaha~

Next scene. I swear the ICA is a major bitch. As in, the entire association. I do not have anything to back my comment but you can't expect me to stay content with such a horrible picture. It's like some unspoken rule among the staff to make all citizens look like crap in their identification cards. Bad contrast. At least it'll be in black and white. Sigh~

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