Saturday, March 22, 2008

out of batteries

Boys' day out.

Comparing our status to the last time the 4 of us went out together, I suppose you can say we're all slightly more awesome and less forlorn now. Boon, our fellow neighbourhood blur cock, is up and about, enjoying his stay-out military life and enrolling into learning leisure skills like dancing. Khairul, the God of Latecomers, was awarded Best Commander in Pulau Tekong. EngChye finally sick of clubbing, is finally having a fine balance between a good love life and the pay of a platoon sergeant. And I, finally have a girlfriend. All you bitches who thought I was gay, go fuck yerselves. No, I'm kidding. I accept apologies in physical form. =P

We went to watch Rule #1 as the double As were temporarily out of the picture. One is on a trip to Malaysia while the other was working. They don't fancy horror flicks, anyway, so no harm done... Should've recorded our faces throughout the movie. What a stressful film to spectate. The suspense was unbearable, some parts laughable though. I'm not gonna spoil it fer the rest with a proper review.

Not much was accomplished. There was a bit of pool here and there, plus some fighting games here and there as well. My skillz-dat-killz have deproved quite a bit. I suppose getting my geek level decreased must mean I've actually got a life now. Or a distracting fringe. Hehe.

The short but sweet outing ended with us splitting ways with secret handshakes. I took the train down to Kembangan where I walked through the park connector to get to my grandma's. Played around with my mother's laptop fer a bit while waiting fer them to finish their game of mahjong. My eyes were very dry by the time I got into my room. Not sure if it was the light playing tricks on me but I sure freaked out when I looked into the mirror. My eyes were ultra-reflective and it almost looked like I was displaying symptoms of heterochromia. Starting to get really conscious about my irises. I hope it's not due to wearing contacts fer long hours or staying up late on the computer.

PS: EngChye and I tried to walk to Marina Square from The Concourse today after seeing Alyssa's bus off from Golden Mile. What a mistake, especially in this weather but it could also be taken into account that we were partially disorientated. =P

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